NEWS \ CONTACT \ "Same Old Story" \ Nathan \ Steven \ SHOP


Name: Nate

Acting Experience:

"Tall Dancing Boy" (opposite "Short Dancing Girl") in FIFTH GRADE CHRISTMAS PLAY (Jimmy Elementary)
"Elrock, boy Viking" in 6th GRADE CHRISTMAS PLAY (Jimmy Elementary)
"Nate, unbelieving brat" in 7th GRADE CHRISTMAS PLAY (Jimmy Elementary)
"Nimrod, servant of evil" in 8th GRADE CHRISTMAS PLAY (Jimmy Elementary)

Other Work Experience: Bookstore Clerk. Currently employed at the Amago City Library.

Goals: 1. Find Woman 2. Get Married 3. Become Comfotable 4. Die Happy

Talents: Took two years of tap starting in the first grade, ending in the fourth grade. Skates, somewhat. Knowledge of some Spanish. Plays no sports. Can drive a motorboat, a mid size yacht, most limos, and has some knowledge of train conducting. When he thinks no one is listening, Nate composes strange rhythm and noise pieces using a drum machine, sequencer, and Kraftwerk autobiography, all of which he keeps under his bed. Is comfortable working with animals and children. Makes no promises not to get emotionally attached to female cast members.

Impersonations: Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Billy Idol, Bono and David Byrne.


©Blue Rose Studios. All likenesses, story, art, and institutions are solely property of BLUE ROSE STUDIOS. Any resemblence to persons living or dead, except for satirical purposes is purely coincidental. No images or text may be reprinted, electronically or otherwise without the specific written consent of the author. I'm glad we understand eachother.
